Hello guys welcome to the Techy Planet !
As many of my subscribers requested me to explain about the internet speed. So today I am gonna tell you that how internet speed works and reach to you. If you like the information & news based on the latest technology please like us, share us & visit us so without wasting anymore time let's get concentrate on our topic :-
Internet Speed |
Overview :-
ISP (Internet Service Provider) Companies often shows you the speed of your
internet plan in the form of Mbps (Mega bits per second) but in your software
either it may chrome or UC browser or Opera or any other web browser it shows
the downloading speed in the form of MBps (Mega Bytes per second) so you need
to understand the relation between Mbps and MBps otherwise you will still
confuse about your internet speed.
often you have noticed that suppose the internet speed according to your plan
is 16 Mbps but actually the speed you get may only 2–3 MBps. What’s the reason
software generally measure the internet speed in MBps so the difference will be
bring out through dividing by Eight, because 1 MB (Mega Byte) = 8 Mb (Mega
for instance let assume you are getting 20 Mbps speed so your software/computer
will show you 2.5 MBps (20 Mbps = 20/8 MBps = 2.5 MBps). Here the speed is
correct as shown in your plan you have paid for and don’t suppose that 2.5 MBps
is slower than 20 Mbps both are equal but represent in different form.
take an another example for deep interpretation, If you have a plan of 8 Mbps
your speed should be = 1000 kbps (1 MBps) approximately, now if you want to download a file of
1000 MB (1GB) ideally it may required 1000 seconds (16.5 Minutes) approximately in the same
case don’t suppose that your plan is 8 Mbps, file size 1000 MB so it may
required 1000/8 = 125 seconds no, don't have any misconception like that.
don’t get confuse & complaint that the speed I am getting so slow than the
plan I have chose. ISP provide the actual speed as shown in your plan.
You can also measure your download as well as your upload speed easily & absolutely free simply tap on this link : http://speedtest.net.in/
You can also measure your download as well as your upload speed easily & absolutely free simply tap on this link : http://speedtest.net.in/
Understanding Your Speed Test Results :-
Mbps: One
Megabit (or one million bits) per second. You need eight megabits per second to
move a one megabyte file. One digital photo, for example, might be one or two
megabytes in size.
- Download Speed: The speed at which data is delivered to your computer. This is the most info your computer can receive from the internet in a second. Download speed is often measured in the form of Megabits per second (Mbps).
- Upload Speed: The reverse of download speed, this measures the maximum amount of information that your computer can send to the internet. It's also measured in Mbps.
So what is a good internet speed ?
The following stats, provided by
Marc Patterson of Boingo, the provider of the LAX Internet system, reflect
download speeds and explain what it is required for various tasks.
- 2-4 mbps: Enough for casual Web surfing, including checking email. Can be enough to stream a standard-definition video, but airports with speeds this slow usually don't recommend passengers stream video or download content.
- 4-6 mbps: Will provide a good Web surfing experience. Often fast enough to stream a 720p high-definition video, and it's possible to download some videos within about 20 minutes at this speed. But 4 mbps can still be sluggish.
- 6-10 mbps: Usually an excellent Web surfing experience. Generally quick enough to stream a 1080p (high-def) video.
- 10-20 mbps: More appropriate for a "super user" who wants a reliable experience to stream content and/or make fast downloads.
- 20+ mbps: Appropriate for what Patterson calls the "pro-sumer," people who want to run a lot of applications at once, usually for business reasons. Users at these speeds can "blitz the network," Patterson said.
Here are some effective and easy methods to boost your internet speed as mentioned below :-
troubleshoot a slow connection, try the following :-
- Use a wired Ethernet connection instead of a wireless connection to avoid interference.
- Close any programs or in-progress downloads that are using your connection.
- Reset your internet modem and/or router and re-run the speed test.
So this is the method that how your internet speed works. You can also follow our troubleshooting tips to manage your speed. Hope you understand well it was helpful for you. If you have any query about this you can contact me. So I'll be back with an another interesting topic keep supporting ! take care.
Nice Artical.